The most important company asset is the right people.
Rasjid Reksodiputro, Chief Human Capital Officer
AlfaLand, One Goal, One Culture

AlfaLand, One Goal, One Culture

Alfaland Group emanates from envisioned innovation and development in property development, property management and hotel management. The corporation builds and develops commercial, residential, and hotels in best locations in Indonesia. Since it was built in 1999, Alfaland Group conduting consistently the importance of commitment to do the best, with hardwork, honesty and a solid teamwork. With one goal, to achieve the company vision and mission, and through a strong corporate culture, namely Alfalanders PRIDE.
Our mission is to cultivate the hospitality and property businesses by relentlessly striving to deliver an unforgetable customer experience

    To be recognized as an eco-friendly hotel operator infused with the essence of Indonesian cultural heritage.

    Famous as an innovative property company and customer-oriented, and aiming in providing a better life.
    • Professional

      AlfaLanders uphold ethical standards and regulations that apply to personal quality and a good company reputation
    • Innovation

      AlfaLanders are heading towards the future to grow together creatively, adapting and creating to face the challenges of change
    • Determination

      AlfaLanders are showing strong determination and commitment by going beyond expectations to achieve excellence
    • Respect

      AlfaLanders are growing and developing an atmosphere of mutual respect and appreciation for the unity of thoughts and feelings of other people as a large AlfaLand family
    • Empathy

      AlfaLanders understand and respect diversity to strengthen each other, and help each other for mutual progress
    • Professional

      AlfaLanders uphold ethical standards and regulations that apply to personal quality and a good company reputation
    • Respect

      AlfaLanders are growing and developing an atmosphere of mutual respect and appreciation for the unity of thoughts and feelings of other people as a large AlfaLand family
    • Innovation

      AlfaLanders are heading towards the future to grow together creatively, adapting and creating to face the challenges of change
    • Determination

      AlfaLanders are showing strong determination and commitment by going beyond expectations to achieve excellence
    • Empathy

      AlfaLanders understand and respect diversity to strengthen each other, and help each other for mutual progress
  • Professional

    AlfaLanders menjunjung standar etika dan peraturan yang berlaku untuk kualitas diri dan reputasi perusahaan yang baik
  • Respect

    AlfaLanders menumbuhkembangkan iklim saling menghormati dan menghargai untuk kesatuan pikiran dan perasaan orang lain sebagai keluarga besar AlfaLand
  • Innovation

    AlfaLanders menyongsong masa depan untuk tumbuh bersama dengan kreatif, beradaptasi dan berkreasi menghadapi tantangan perubahan
  • Determination

    AlfaLanders menunjukkan tekad dan komitmen yang kuat melalui upaya melampaui harapan untuk meraih keunggulan
  • Empathy

    AlfaLanders memahami dan menghargai keberagaman untuk saling menguatkan dan membantu sesama demi kemajuan bersama
We are constantly striving to push the boundaries of what's possible in our industry, and this page is your window into our world of progress.